Top 5 Reasons to Create A Floral Pop-Up Shop for your business

Hey there & welcome back to the blog where I  talk about how to create diversified income within your floral business through pop-up shops, virtual and in-person classes, and other floral events. My motto is “profit over pretty”, and I make no qualms about wanting pro’s to be profitable in their floral journey. I’m not just talking this talk, I am out there with you creating events, running my own floral business; Grace Floral and Co, and inspiring you to keep creating! 

This is the time of year where my inbox, dm’s, and facebook group page begin to flutter with questions from florists about one of my favorite topics, pop-up shops. The biggest question I get whether it’s from a studio, home based, beginner, or even farmer florist is ……

Should I Create A Floral Pop-Up Shop For My Business? 

My answer without a doubt is YES, and here are my top 5 reasons why you should create a floral pop-up shop for your business…….